BlueRio’s Basic Ethics Review for BCC Coaches.
This 100% self-paced course offers a basic review regarding the Center for Credentialing and Education, Code of Ethics that are to be followed by Board – Certified Coaches. It is designed to meet the requirements of earning 4 CEUS + 1 (*Some insurance companies will offer discounts for 5 CEUs in ethics – so now offering a bonus 1 credit!)
This online course is comprised of lessons you can read online (download as PDF documents) audio filed and links to additional resources. There is also one exam.
Ethics Lessons cover:
- Guarantees/Promises
- Goals of the client – are you equipped to help?
- Character
- Privilege
- Confidentiality
- Conflicts of Interest
- Dual and Multiple Role Relationships
- Diversity and sensitivity concerns
- Terminating Clients
- Review of Coaching Vs. Therapy
The format is online, delivered mainly via recorded audio lessons and some printed material. The recordings are made to be downloaded so you can listen to them at any time and you may keep them as well. The entire Ethics course offers about 6 – 9 hours’ worth of information if you were to access all the extra bonuses. The required lessons are 4 hours worth of content. You will have 6 months from the time of purchase to enter and six months to complete the course.
Requirements to Earn 4 CEUs
100% Virtual Course:
- Must access all required lessons/content
- Must read/watch 1 bonus article
- Must complete and pass exam with a 75 or higher score
- Welcome
- Ethics lessons –Overview of Core Ethical Concerns
- Terminating Clients
- Coaching Vs. Therapy
- BCC Core Competencies Review (optional)
- Interesting Tid-Bits (optional)
- Exam
CANCELLATION POLICY: Enrollment includes a non-refundable $20 admin fee. You may ask for a refund before you enter the course portal and or within 21 days after purchase. You must enter the portal within 45 days of purchase. Since this is a self-paced BCC CEU course of such small units, there are no refunds after entering the portal except for an emergency basis.
****CANCELLATION FOR MILITARY Active Duty/Reservists/National Guard
Upon written approval with proof of need, an Active Duty or Reservist/National Guard, may withdrawal or pause their enrollment due to the potential impact of military duties, e.g., unanticipated deployments or mobilization, activation, and temporary duty assignments on their training status and financial responsibilities.
If enrolled through a Credential Assistance Program, any refunds that are due will NOT be given directly to the learner – rather proceeds will be returned. Also only upon approval by the by that program team will a course/exam be extended. Notification of this need must be in writing and emailed.

2022 Presidential Management Fellows
Now that I finished the course I can tell you that it was an absolute pleasure. I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor, went through ILCT for my initial Coach training and am a CEAP among other professional certifications – I have quite a few. I say all that to say that I’ve had many different ethics courses and your course was the best I’ve ever had! I enjoyed the break down in confidentiality & privilege, & etc. It was amazing and you are phenomenal! I also enjoyed the article about Counseling vs. Coaching. It was a great article and important because people still have difficulty discerning between the two.