Coach Certification Training.
Take your skills and your dreams and demonstrate to others the value you can bring. Earn a coach certification that showcases your abilities and and highlights the rigorous training you experienced. BlueRio currently offers full coach certification that results in becoming a Certified Life MAP Coach or Leadership & Resilience Coach.
BlueRio Institute is a Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) Registered 1037-BCC training provider. This means we are a BCC approved training provider for those who wish to earn the additional credential.
Every few years, the ICF (International Coach Federation), via PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, administers a global study of coaches worldwide (including non-ICF members), the results of which, comprise a snapshot of where the profession of coaching is, right now, and what the future of coaching may be.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 2020 ICF Global Coaching Study: Executive Summary:
Globally, it is estimated that there were approximately 71,000 coach practitioners in 2019, an increase of 33% on the 2015 estimate.
So What do Coaches Earn?
- Income varies widely…
- Factors include number of years practicing and type of coaching offered
- Globally, coaches average $47,100 per year USD.
- The highest earners are in N. America (almost $62,500) followed by Oceania ($61,100,), followed by, and W. Europe ($51,100).
The estimated global total revenue from coaching in 2019 was $2.849 billion U.S. dollars, representing a 21% increase over the 2015 estimate.
Nearly all coach practitioners (99%) report that they have completed some coach-specific training. Increasingly, training is through programs accredited/approved by a professional coaching organization.
(93% in the 2020 study, up from 89% in 2016).
93% of managers/leaders using coaching skills have received some coach-specific training, including 79% through programs accredited/approved by a professional coaching organization.
The people and organizations who receive/use coaching expect their coaches to be certified/credentialed. Almost three in four coach practitioners (74%) said they currently hold a credential or certification from a professional coaching organization, up from 70% in the 2016 study.
Most of our current courses are approved by the Center for Credentialing and Education for those who seek to earn the Board Certified Coach Credential.
*The BCC is not mandatory, it is optional. To learn more about the BCC – click here.
An exception to this would be for soldiers using ARMY COOL funding – in this situation the enrollment in the certification program must aslo result in taking the exam to become a Board Certified Coach.
****The Department of Defense and the Department of the Army are neither affiliated with nor endorses BlueRio Institute.

“I cannot thank the BlueRio Institute and Jessi LaCosta enough for her exceptional support in preparing for my Board Certified Coach (BCC) Exam. The materials provided were not only comprehensive but also incredibly relevant, making all the difference in my study process. Jessi’s meticulous attention to detail ensured that I had access to the vital information necessary to succeed. I am truly grateful for the recommendation to work with them. If you’re preparing for the BCC Exam, I wholeheartedly recommend Blue Rio Institute and Jessi La Costa. Her expertise and dedication will empower you to achieve your goals!”
Our Course Offerings
Training to become a professional coach is truly transformational. It is about aligning your calling with your skills, qualities and traits and then developing a platform to manifest your vision.
Whether you intend to coach managers, leaders, teams or even parents –having the right tools and understanding to leverage your coaching ability is a must.
Free Preview Courses – Sample Lessons from Various Courses before enrolling! These are not FULL courses, yet they are robust offerings of lessons that offer a preview of the actual course should you want to enroll. You CAN learn from these. However, if you are ready to explore the FULL coach certification options, please look below the “Learn More” button for the current available courses.

Certification Training Courses

60 hour BCC Approved Training
This program is based on the Flagship program Hawk Eye. This updated version of what has earned a well-respected reputation as one of the FIRST and ONLY full coach certification training programs, BCC-Approved, in the USA to focus on coaches supporting military service members and their spouses and partners. The core focus of the training is to inspire, educate and empower people to use coaching as a vehicle to assist military-connected individuals as they design sustainable lives, effective career maps, and master transitioning from a military-focused life to the civilian sector with dignity and purpose.

CLRC – Leadership & Resilience
In today’s climate -corporate and personal – challenges, even crises are sadly becoming the norm. Yet dealing with them in productive, effective, and compassionate ways lead to more than surviving – it is about Thriving.
We have all experienced various levels of challenge – and some of us also threat and crises. While many can control their reactions, many will also feel overwhelmed and shut down. Yet, with the right awareness, support, and skills, we can control and even improve our responses. In fact, coaching can create frameworks for individuals and teams to move past their deficit mindset and into a growth mindset – fostering resilience and creating skills, pathways, and behaviors for healthier stress management and sustainable lasting impact and achievements. This training not only allows you to help others shift; it is transformational in itself as you reconnect and re-discover your purpose, your assets, and your personal and professional direction, and your ability to adapt and BECOME MORE.

Life Map Coaching – FOUNDATION
Become a Certified Life Map Coach!!
Enroll for the 30-hour FOUNDATION. Center for Credentialing and Education, BCC-Approved training program
Learn the foundation of professional life coaching – also called Life Map coaching and develop a deep sense of understanding about yourself as well as others in terms of designing purposeful blueprints for living in a way that aligns with skills, strengths, values, visions, and missions.
BlueRio’s IA Coaching Model™ utilizes theories and practical applications stemming from strength-based development, positive psychology, Interpersonal neurobiology as well as branding to assist support professionals and coaches in uncovering a client’s best possible self. It also sheds light on strategies and tools to help clients map out their lives with purpose, authenticity, and accountability.

60 hour BCC Approved Training
Once you have mastered the core – you will choose one focus from those below: And this means the core is PART of the 60-hour course.
First learn the core foundation of professional life coaching – also called Life Map coaching and develop a deep sense of understanding about yourself as well as others in terms of designing purposeful blueprints for living in a way that aligns with skills, strengths, values, visions, and missions.
Then enhance your learning by additional lessons in one of the following four areas:
- Individual and Family Dynamics
- Personal Branding (on hold)
- Mindfulness (On hold)
- Individual & the Family Dynamics focus = Explore areas such as: Appreciating diversity within a social and family context, effective communications – all with a goal of moving an individual and family members to healthier, effective, and productive lives.
Ideal Impact:- Family Coaching
- Life Coaching
- Coaching other helping Professionals in areas such as:
Adoption, Foster Care, Juvenile Justice, Education, Child-Care

Cancellation and other policies.
BlueRio and its BlueRio Institute do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference, gender identity, religious or spiritual affiliation, and national and ethnic origin in the administration of its admission procedures, grading and coaching.
Classroom Demeanor & Courtesy – Because students/participants may not share the same opinions in many courses, it is important that we remember to respect the opinions and ideas of others. A platform of respect and conscientiousness for all is crucial in order to accomplish our goals.
We are not in any course to judge others for insight and opinions we do not share. Any harsh criticisms or demeaning behaviors will not be tolerated. In addition, BlueRio Strategies and its instructors have the right to remove any students who disobey the policies and procedures, are not willing to complete requirements, and have not made attempts to remedy the situation of concern with representatives of BlueRio Strategies.
We’re committed to providing access to education for all learners. That’s why our online courses offer:
- Multiple Information Formats: Most courses present information in various ways, including text, audio, video, and captions.
- Assistive Technology Support: Our online learning platform integrates with tools note-taking software to make learning easier for diverse learners.
- Font Size: You can adjust page size to enhance readability and reduce eyestrain. (Zoom in and Out of the Page while on-screen.)
Examples of possible accommodations:
- Extended time for tests and assignments
- Modified assignments or tests
- Flexible deadlines (when possible)
Any student/participant of BlueRio training courses has the right to seek a remedy for a dispute or disagreement, including issues of grades or material access. Initial steps are outlined below:
The disagreement must be submitted in writing. The curriculum itself is non-refundable – however if a student has just cause to believe the curriculum that was delivered was NOT what was promoted or described, or if a grade is considered to be unfair the student may request a review.
BlueRio requires at least 72 hours to make an initial response and may need up to thirty days to offer any final resolution. It will be first presented to the volunteer board of advisors. If a resolution is not satisfactory to both parties, mediation will be considered.
You must begin your course within 30 – 45 days of purchase (depending on the course and track). Once you begin your course you have 14 – days trial. Should the curriculum/course not be a fit you may ask for a FULL refund. Requests must be made in writing and emailed or contact us for our mailing address.
*** if you enroll in the FREE preview course first, you will have 7 days from the time of entry into the full course to ask for a refund.
*** For customized programs, group enrollment and in-person/on-site training 14-day trial is not applicable, as well as 30-day start date.
(Scholarship students will have a different cancellation policy.)
If you cancel AFTER 14 days and before 31 days you will get a refund minus an administration fee of $50 for 30 & 36 hour track and minus $100 for a 60-hour track. (Unless you have enrolled in the preview course – then you have seven days.) Cancellation requests must be made in writing and emailed.
No refunds for any cancellations after 31 days. Funds may be rolled into other offerings such as one-on-one coaching or into a different training program. Emergency Cancellations and Refunds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
****CANCELLATION FOR MILITARY Active Duty/Reservists/National Guard
Upon written approval with proof of need, an Active Duty or Reservist/National Guard, may withdrawal or pause their enrollment due to the potential impact of military duties, e.g., unanticipated deployments or mobilization, activation, and temporary duty assignments on their training status and financial responsibilities.
If enrolled through a Credential Assistance Program, any refunds that are due will NOT be given directly to the learner – rather proceeds will be returned. Also only upon approval by the by that program team will a course/exam be extended. Notification of this need must be in writing and emailed.